Player Alumni Database
By our rough calculations, well over 250,000 people have played College Bowl on Radio or TV or at a College Bowl Regional or National Championship Tournament.
If you played on the GE College Bowl, or have competed since 1976 at a College Bowl Regional or National Championship Tournament, we invite you to update your information or enter yourself in our player alumni database.
The database currently includes only players who competed at a College Bowl Regional or National Championship Tournament from 1990 to the present (plus a few before that time). While we now live in the "information age," unfortunately we do not have access to either GE College Bowl records (long since lost) or to records from 1976 to 1989. We're asking your help to fill in the blanks.
To check whether you are in our database, select the first letter of your last name below. After the drop-down list appears, look for your name and if found, enter your Password to log in.
If your name is not in the list that will appear after you click the first letter of your last name, you can add yourself by
clicking here.
If need other assistance,
email College Bowl Staff
Thank you in advance for your support of this effort to preserve College Bowl's history.
Aarons, Lee
Abate, Jason
Abbasi, Pericles
Abbatantuono, Brent
Abbey, Ross
Abbott, John M.
Abejuela, Christopher William
Abello, Kyle
Aberasturi, Leon
Aberle, Joseph
Abersold, Dale
Abraham, Joseph M.
Abraham, Titus
Abrams, Brian
Acharya, Ashish A.
Acker, Christopher
Ackerman, Mark D.
Ackerson, Timothy
Ackley, Alex
Acree, Justin R.
Adamo, Christopher
Adams, Blake
Adams, Charles E.
Adams, Clark D.
Adams, Collin
Adams, David
Adams, Eric
Adams, Frank A.
Adams, Jason
Adams, Jeffrey
Adams, Jillian
Adams, Kelley
Adams, Kurt C.
Adams, Lex
Adams, Tamara S.
Adams, Tim
Adamson, Catherine
Adamson, Clint
Adderly, Christopher B.
Adelman, Michael
Aderton, Adam
Adivari, Heather
Adkins, Henry Grady
Adkins, Taylor M.
Adler, Andrew S.
Adler, Dan
Adler, Ryan
Adolph, Chris
Aframe, Seth
Agar, James J.
Agatucci, Frank
Aggenbach, Charles W.
Agrawal, Rakesh
Agrawal, Suyash
Ahmed, Atif
Ahmed, Osman
Ahrabi-Asly, Darius
Aicher, Brandi
Aiello, Cory
Aiello, Todd
Aiken, John H.
Airasian, Greg
Akins, Matthew
Albaugh, Christopher D.
Albert, Lawrence
Albertina, Anthony
Albertson, Brett
Albrecht, Shari
Alcaro, David
Alcorn, John
Alday, Jarrod Mitchell
Alday, Justin Michael
Alden, Robert K.
Alderman, Andy
Alderman, Sergei N.
Aldey, Nathan
Aldinger, Morgan
Aldridge, William P.
Alewine, Kit
Alexander, Christopher J.
Alexander, Eric L.
Alexander, Jeffrey M.
Alexander, Rolland C.
Alexander, Troy
Alexandrou, George
Alfano, Dorothy W.
Alfonso, Juan
Algayer, Jason
Ali, Mustaque
Ali, Shah
Alia, Andrew
Allan, Johnathan C.
Allbright, Michael Robert
Alldredge, Stacey D.
Alleman, Tom
Allen, Ashleigh
Allen, Charlton L.
Allen, David
Allen, Eric P.
Allen, Eric
Allen, Heather D.
Allen, Hollisia S
Allen, Margaret H.
Allen, Mark A.
Allen, Nicole
Allen, Peter
Allen, William R.
Allen, William
Allen, William
Allenan, Keith L.
Alley, Nichole
Allion, Michael
Allison, Brian w.
Allison, Katharine Slayton
Allmon, Frankie
Allnutt, Richard
Allnutt, Robin
Allor, Joshua
Alonzo, Michael
Alper, Jonathan
Alpert, Lukas
Alsaker, Keith
Alstatt, Bryan
Altman, Daniel G.
Altman, Michael B.
Altman, Tracy
Altman, William Brian
Alvarado, Alcario Gabriel Castillo
Alvarez, Celina Marie
Alvin, David A.
Amati, Matt
Amato, Jonathon
Amberger, James
Amberson, Michael
Amin, Rupesh
Amin, Tushar
Amiott, David Edward
Amoroso, Joe
Amos, Bemjamin A.
Ams, Mark
Anandwala, Mobin
Andersen, Aaron Ross
Andersen, Megan
Anderseon, Brian
Anderson, Brandon
Anderson, Brian
Anderson, Charles
Anderson, Christopher
Anderson, Clifford E.
Anderson, Craig D.
Anderson, Eugene A.
Anderson, Garth
Anderson, George
Anderson, Grant
Anderson, James D.
Anderson, Joel D.
Anderson, John
Anderson, Jon
Anderson, Jonah
Anderson, Joseph
Anderson, Mark K.
Anderson, Nancy
Anderson, Nicole M.
Anderson, Paul
Anderson, Ray
Anderson, Scott
Anderson, Thomas E.
Anderson, Tim
Anderson, Walter C.
Andert, Dustin
Andino, Kenneth R.
Andreas, April
Andreas, Craig
Andren, Joel
Andres, Richard
Andrews, Dion
Andrews, Scott
Andrews, Tom
Andrews, Will
Andrews, William M.
Andrianarivo, Aliotsy
Androli, Troy George-Hall
Androsavich, John Rolf
Angelis, Theodore
Angermeier, Vince
Ankeney, John
Annamraju, Ananth
Anoulalc, Khamsone
Ansel, Kate
Anson, Naomi
Antioco, John M.
Antonson, Erik
Anzulovich, Daniel
Apperson, Ben
Apple, Hugh C.
Appleton, Matthew
Appleton, Michael T.
Appuhn, Karl
Aqui, Alelito
Arasin, Melissa
Arbeiter, Tim
Arbogast, Jonathan
Arbour, Brian K.
Archambault, Amy B.
Archer, Charles Edgar
Archibald, Robert
Archuleta, Rosanna
Ardia, Daniel
Ardisson, Jay T.
Ardolino, Janeane
Arestie, Lauren
Arias, Michael G.
Arias, Michael G.
Arima, Eric D.
Arkins, Daniel J.
Arman, Dan R.
Armstrong, Emily W.
Armstrong, Glen I.
Armstrong, Joshua P.
Armstrong, Kenneth
Armstrong, Vanessa
Arndt, Allen
Arndt, Gary M.
Arnett, Tony
Arnold, Frank
Arnold, Matt
Arnold, Scott William
Arp, Donald
Arrington, David L.
Arrington, Michael I.
Arrington, Robert
Arrona, Osiris
Arsenoff, Gordon
Artman, Catherine C.
Arvey, Jason
Asbun, Marco
Ash, Robert S.
Ash, William O.
Ashby, Blake M.
Ashby, Carolyn
Ashley, Christopher
Ashley-Pauley, Jonita
Ashlock, David A.
Ashmead, Richard
Aslett, Stephen
Aspinall, Keith M.
Atkins, Charles
Atkins, Jeff
Atkins, Jennie R.
Atkinson, Curtis
Atkinson, Douglas C.
Atkinson, Eric L.
Atkinson, Kent Phillip
Atkinson, Patrick
Atkinson, Rich
Atkinson, William R.
Atkinson-Hager, Duncan Richard
Atnip, Sunya
Attaran, Ashkan
Atunrase, Bamidele
Aucoin, Paul
Aude, Aaron M.
Audette, Meghan
Auer, Ben
Auker, Steve
Auker, Steven
Austill, Kristina L. B.
Austin, Bryant
Austin, David Christopher
Austin, Elizabeth
Austin, Jay E.
Austin, Jonathan
Auth, Shamus
Autry, Theresa Alana
Avant, David
Avila, Jose
Avizur, Michael D.
Avrach, Matthew
Avvakumovits, Tom
Axelrod, Jeremiah
Ayers, Derrick
Ayers, Timothy
Aylor, Aaron J.R.
Aziz, Abdul Razak
Azzam, Zacharie Jacob
(Last 4 digits of Social Security Number)