Player Alumni Database
By our rough calculations, well over 250,000 people have played College Bowl on Radio or TV or at a College Bowl Regional or National Championship Tournament.
If you played on the GE College Bowl, or have competed since 1976 at a College Bowl Regional or National Championship Tournament, we invite you to update your information or enter yourself in our player alumni database.
The database currently includes only players who competed at a College Bowl Regional or National Championship Tournament from 1990 to the present (plus a few before that time). While we now live in the "information age," unfortunately we do not have access to either GE College Bowl records (long since lost) or to records from 1976 to 1989. We're asking your help to fill in the blanks.
To check whether you are in our database, select the first letter of your last name below. After the drop-down list appears, look for your name and if found, enter your Password to log in.
If your name is not in the list that will appear after you click the first letter of your last name, you can add yourself by
clicking here.
If need other assistance,
email College Bowl Staff
Thank you in advance for your support of this effort to preserve College Bowl's history.
Fabiano, MaryEllen
Fabozzi, Jake
Fader, Steven
Fadollone, Guy
Faehner, Michael J
Fagan, Shawn
Fagan, Shawn
Fagan, William F.
Fagin, Daniel Patrick
Fagioli, Jonathan Nicholas
Fahey, Will
Fahrni, Leonard
Fahy, Kevin
Failing, Charles "Chuck"
Failor, Michael R.
Faircloth, Will
Fajardo, Arnel M.
Falcusan, Jeffrey
Falk, Jonathan
Falkner, Michael J.
Fallesen, Todd
Falley, Sate
Falter, Brian K.
Fan, Johnny
Fanetti, Tina
Fangman, Roger
Fann, Stephen
Fanniff, Kim
Fanson, Paul
Fanter, Dan
Faranda, Matthew
Farkas, John K.
Farley, Devin
Farley, Robert
Farlow, Trevor
Farmen, Scott R.
Farmer, Walter R.
Farr, Bryan
Farr, Jeffrey K.
Farris, Mark
Farris, Mark
Farris, Morgan K.
Farrow, Lee A
Farrow, Michelle
Fassnacht, George E.
Faul, James Patrick
Fauman, Beverly J.
Faunce, Rob
Faust, Trent
Fay, Ted
Fechner, Glenn
Fedje, Brian
Fedora, Daniel
Fee, Erica M.
Feeser, Matt
Feist, Andrew
Felder, Vincent
Feldkamp, Zachary Tyler
Feldman, Daniel D.
Feldman, Joshua
Feldman, Luke D.
Feldman, Luke D.
Feldman, Steven Lee
Feldmayer, Jennett
Felite, Todd M.
Feller, Alan
Fels, Matt
Feltner, Amber
Felton, Bill R.
Feminella, John
Fenton, Philip
Fenwick, Benjamin
Fenwick, William
Ference, Kevin J.
Fergueson, Daniel
Ferguson, Benjamin
Ferguson, Craig J.
Ferguson, Erik
Ferguson, Jon
Ferguson, Vanessa
Fernaays, Mathew M.
Fernandez, Kellie S.
Fernandez, Robert
Fernandez, Victor
Ferrandino, Rita
Ferrari, Sandra
Ferrari, Susan
Ferraro, Daniel J.
Ferrier, Robert M.
Ferrill, Steven
Ferriss, Gregory
Ferrucci, Patrick \
Fertik, Elliot
Festa, Tracey
Festoso, Phil
Fetterolf, Andrew J.
Fey, Jacob K.
Fidler, Kathryn
Fiegel, Laurie
Field, Adam
Fields, Laura
Fieser, Jessica
Fifita, Troy
Figuerola, Luis
Filce, Richard A.
Finch, Andrew D.
Finch, Roland J.
Fincher, Matthew L.
Fine, Adam
Finger, Amy
Fink, John
Finley, James
Finn, Devin
Finn, Emily A.
Finn, Michael D.
Finn, Mitchell A.
Finney, Benjamin
Finney, George
Finney, Lance
Finsterwald, Mark
Firstenberg, Keith B.
Fischer, Matthew
Fischer, Sarah
Fish, Ryan C.
Fisher, Adam D.
Fisher, Carlos Hernandez
Fisher, Colleen
Fisher, Emily
Fisher, Greg
Fisher, Jeremiah
Fisher, Matthew
Fisher, Nathan
Fisher, Patrick
Fisher, Paul A.
Fisher, Ross
Fitch, Michael
Fitta, Jason
Fitterer, Nikki
Fitzgerald, David
Fitzgerald, Eric Andrew
Fitzgerald, Joshua
Fitzgerald, Suzanne Marie
Fitzgibbon, Sean
Fitzgibbon Iii, Edward M.
Fitzpatrick, Brian
Fitzpatrick, Joe
Fitzpatrick, Peter
Fitzsimmons, Thomas
Flack, Dan
Flack, Frank S.
Fladmo, Erin ReNae
Flaherty, Brian D.
Flaherty, Matthew L.
Flaming, Julie A.
Flanagan, Robert
Flannigan, Sean
Flantroy, Misty
Flater, Aaron
Flaxman, Robert
Flees, Joe
Fleming, Brett
Fleming, Cole
Fleming, Jenn
Fleming, Sam P.
Flemming, John
Fleshman, Kimberly L.
Fletcher, Alyson
Fletcher, Evan
Fletcher, Michael D.
Fletcher, Susan Augusta
Flevares, George W.
Flint, Cameron
Flintjer, Nathan
Flohr, Heather
Flora, Amy K.
Florence, Ted Alan
Floreno, Tony
Flower, Bryan T.
Flowers, Angela
Flowers, Drew C.
Flowers, Jason D.
Floyd, Eric
Floyd, James
Floyd, Patrick
Floyd, Sarah
Floyd, Tank
Fly, Stephen
Flynn, Nolan T.
Flynn, Richard
Foerster, Paul E.
Fogelman, Noel
Fogerson, Adam S.
Foland, Novy E.
Foley, Mark
Foley, Michael
Foley, Michael
Folino, Phillip
Folse, Elizabeth
Foltz, Chad S.
Foltz, Raymond
Fominyen, Mah Ninah
Fontenot, David R.
Forbes, Andrew
Ford, Ben
Ford, Charles
Ford, Grant
Ford, Jeff
Ford, Lauren
Ford, Matthew Christian
Ford, Michael W.
Ford, Monique M.
Ford, Ryan James
Ford, Thomas Carlson
Foreman, Taina F.
Forlin, Jeffrey
Fornaro, Matthew
Forque, Renee'
Forshay, Camilla
Forslund, Matt
Forsman, Cheri J.
Forster, Seth
Forsyth, Kyle
Forsythe, Robert A.
Fortlouis, Stephen M.
Fortuna, Cecilia
Fosbery, Joshua
Fosmire, Michael J.
Fossler, Margaret M.
Foster, Andrew
Foster, Christopher
Foster, George R.
Foster, Laura Louise
Foster, Patrick
Foulston, Catherine
Fourman, Mitchell Stephen
Fourneir, Jonathan
Fouse, Joseph
Fowler, Alan
Fowler, Andrew
Fowler, Jennifer
Fox, Andrew
Fox, Jason
Fox, Joseph W.
Fox, Justin
Fox, Ryan
Fox, Shannon
Fox, Stephen T
Fox, Thom
Foy, Brian
Foy, Christine
Frady, Luke
Frake, CoCin
Frake, Colin
Frakt, David
Fralish, Phillip
France, Andrew
Francis, Andrew Justin
Francis, Gary
Francis, Mark E.
Francis, Pierre
Francis, Scott Michael
Franco, Kelly
Frank, Conrad
Frank, Dennis J.
Frank, Melissa
Franken, Jay
Franken, Michele R.
Franklin, Doug
Franklin, Mark
Franklin, Paul
Franklin, Susan
Franks, Sherri E.
Fransella, Michael L.
Frantz, Jimmie H.
Franzer, Greg M.
Franzone, Adam
Fraser, Simon
Frawley, Ben
Frazee, David I.
Frazier, Andrea
Frazier, Bryan S.
Frazier, Matthew
Fredekind, Steven
Frederick, Anthony
Frederick, Boyd
Frederick, Marcus J.
Freeburg, Nathan
Freed, Matthew
Freeman, David
Freeman, Kelly K.
Freeman, Kevin
Freeman, Paul
Freeman, Peter E.
Freeman, Web
Freiberg, Michael
French, Joshua
French, Laura
Freund, Ernest
Freund, Marshall A.
Frey, Andrew
Friar, Matthew
Frickert, Brian
Friday, Timothy
Fried, Kurt 9.
Friede, Chris
Friedman, Dave
Friedman, Joan M.
Friedman, Joseph N.
Friedman, Michael William
Friedman, Michael
Friedman, Stephen M.
Friedman, Steven
Friedmann, John
Friel, Patrick
Frigillana, Edward Patrick
Fritz, Erik
Frizzell, Patricia
Froberg, Brent Malcolm
Froehlich, Joseph
Froio, Jason J.
Frommelt, Jonathon
Frontera, Stephen
Fry, Becky
Fry, Jeff
Frye, Darrell E
Fuchsova, Terezie
Fuentes, Edgar
Fuerst, Micah
Fujisawa, Matthew B.
Fulcher, Matthew Eli
Fulk, Scott T.
Fuller, Amy
Fuller, Dan
Fuller, Kathleen K.
Fulton, Nicollete
Fults, Laura
Fuman, Edward
Funk, John
Furdell, Elizabeth Lane
Furlong, Bryce
Furr, Robin S.
Furtado, Tad
Fusato, Harsjarif
Fusco, John
Futrell, Rosemary L.
(Last 4 digits of Social Security Number)