Player Alumni Database
By our rough calculations, well over 250,000 people have played College Bowl on Radio or TV or at a College Bowl Regional or National Championship Tournament.
If you played on the GE College Bowl, or have competed since 1976 at a College Bowl Regional or National Championship Tournament, we invite you to update your information or enter yourself in our player alumni database.
The database currently includes only players who competed at a College Bowl Regional or National Championship Tournament from 1990 to the present (plus a few before that time). While we now live in the "information age," unfortunately we do not have access to either GE College Bowl records (long since lost) or to records from 1976 to 1989. We're asking your help to fill in the blanks.
To check whether you are in our database, select the first letter of your last name below. After the drop-down list appears, look for your name and if found, enter your Password to log in.
If your name is not in the list that will appear after you click the first letter of your last name, you can add yourself by
clicking here.
If need other assistance,
email College Bowl Staff
Thank you in advance for your support of this effort to preserve College Bowl's history.
Kaak, Geoff
Kabala, Daniel
Kabala, James
Kachurek, Patrick W.
Kaeding, Adam
Kafrissen, Rachael
Kagarise, Tanya Rae
Kagawa, Takashi
Kahler, Ray
Kahler, Stephen Gregory
Kahn, Gregory
Kahn, Peter R.T.
Kahns, Robert C.A.
Kaiser, Bill
Kaiser, Christopher M.
Kaiser, Christopher
Kakos, Belinda S.
Kakouris, Peter
Kalbaugh, Trisha
Kale, Anne-evan L.
Kalinauskas, Paulius
Kaliski, Sarah
Kallal, Justin Victor
Kallal, Mike
Kallhord, Erik
Kalogridis, Gunter S.
Kalomiris, Paul
Kalra, Achir
Kalt, Brian C.
Kalthia, Ashish
Kamble, Vinay
Kamer, Steve
Kammerer, Christian F.
Kamnik, Joseph
Kampe, Ryan
Kamrow, Thomas C.
Kamsler, David A.
Kan, Jasper Lee
Kanable, Jacquelyn
Kanal, Naveen
Kane, Bradley
Kane, Christopher M.
Kane, Douglas D.
Kane, Gerald A.
Kane, Greg
Kane, Jim
Kane, Joseph G.
Kane, Mathew H.
Kane, Mchenry
kane, Nathaniel H.
Kann, Burt
Kannappan, Narayanan
Kanter, Myles
Kanwar, Davender
Kanyuck, Jeff
Kanzawa, Kiyoshi
Kaplan, Jeremy
Kaplan, Michael J.
Kaplan, Steven
Kappes, Jon Eric
Kaprow, Philip
Kar, Becky
Karashin, Willie
Karatinos, Theodore
Kargel, Bill
Karlen, Aaron
Karlen, Matt
Karlson, Keith
Karnes, Stephen B.
Karns, Brian
Karns, Michael H.
Karras, Christy
Karwacki, Scott
Karwin, Michael
Kasemeier, Jennifer
Kashem, Anwar
Kaspazak, Ryan
Kastens, Aaron
Katcher, Seth
Katikanent, Karthik
Katine, Jordan A.
Katki, Hormuzd
Katt, Jacquelyn
Kattleman, Scott
Katz, Ethan
Katz, Joshua
Katzman, Brett E.
Kauffman, Larry
Kaufman, Matthew Benjamin
Kaufman, Sheri A.
Kavanagh, Ibis
Kavanagh, Miriam J.
Kavanaugh, Erin
Kawamura, Sephanie
Kay, Brian
Kay, Kimber
Kayser, Tony Y.
Keans, James
Kearney, Robert
Kearney, Timothy
Kearns, Dan
Kearns, Patrick
Keating, Thomas
Keaton, Josh
Keaveny, Samuel J.
Keay, Hunter Kent
Keblish, Steve
Keeler, Dennis
Keeley, Walter
Keeling, John D.
Keenan, James
Keene, Adam
Keeney, Roman M.
Keesee, Daniel
Kehoe, John W.
Keidel, Philip C.
Keiger, James
Keil, Alison M.
Keim, John
Keip, Jeff
Keith, Brian
Keith, Jonathan
Keller, Andrew D.
Keller, Jason Abraham
Keller, John
Keller, William Joseph
Kelley, Kenneth B.
Kelley, Ryan
Kellner, Timothy C.
Kelly, Brendan T.
Kelly, Brian
Kelly, Chris
Kelly, J. Patrick
Kelly, John G.
Kelly, Jonathan
Kelly, Kathleen
Kelly, Kathryn Elizabeth
Kelly, Kyle
Kelly, Mark
Kelly, Patrick J.
Kelly, Renee
Kelly, Roger Patrick
Kelly, Sarah
Kelly, William J.
Kelman, Chris
Kelnhofer, Phil
Kelsey, John
Kelsey, Steven
Kemezis, Adam
Kemp, Chris
Kendall, Seth
Kendrick, David C.
Kendrick, William A.
Kenealey, Joelle A.
Kenkel, Nathan
Kennard, Don
Kennedy, Alanna Marie
Kennedy, James B.
Kennedy, Jeffrey L.
Kennedy, Jeffrey H.
Kennedy, Scott
Kennedy, Sean
Kenner, Richard L.
Kenney, William
Kenniston, Ted
Kenny, Stuart
Kenyon, Kevin T
Kenyon, Lee
Keogh, Abel
Keogh, Krista Beus
Keough, Courtenay E.
Kepley, Scott
Kepple, Timothy H.
Keralis, Spencer D.
Kerbs, Matt
Kernighan, Mark D.
Kerr, Andrew
Kerr, Ian J.
Kerr, Kirk
Kerr, Mark
Kersch, Ryan
Kersteter, Kara
Kerstetter, Peter A.
Kervandjian, Melina
Kerwin, Paul
Keshavan, Peter
Kesling, Ben
Kessans, Jona E.
Kessel, Anthony
Kessel, Brian
Kessler, Andrew
Kessler, Bruce
Kessler, Matt
Kester, Jesse Alonzo
Kester, Martin
Ketchum, Matt
Ketner, Gretchen A.
Keureck, Daniel
Key, Adam
Key, Charles
Khan, Arsalan
Khan, Feruz
Khan, Hamid
Khan, Hassaan
Khan, Mohammed Asif
Khan, Newamul
Khandheria, Parras
Khatter, Boldy
Khoo, Guan S.
Kichline, Edwin G.
Kickertz, Andrew
Kidd, Daniel
Kidd, Randal J.
Kidd, Robert
Kidder, Dwight
Kiefer, Matthew
Kiefer, Michael J.
Kieffer, Kevin M.
Kieta, Steve
Kiker, Derrick
Kiker, Douglas
Kilcoyne, Patrick
Kileen, John
Kilen, Richard
Killian, Bob
Killian, Robert J.
Killion, Melissa A.
Kilpatrick, Michael
Kim, Daniel
Kim, Hyeok
Kim, Julian R.
Kim, Su
Kimber, Alan
Kimble, Rick
Kime, Max D.
Kincaid, Jesse
Kincy, Jesse Carpenter
Kindschi, Pamela
King, A. Reauelle
King, Adrienne
King, Angel N
King, Carlton W.
King, Charles
King, Dean L.
King, Doug
King, Ellen
King, Jared
King, Jason
King, Joseph S.
King, Justin
King, Oliver
King, Paula E.
King, Scott
King, Tonia
King, Tracy B.
Kingham, Michelle
Kinghorn, Matt
Kingry, Bryant E.
Kinkade, Eben
Kinney, James
Kinney, Patrick O.
Kinsella, John
Kinser, Ryan
Kinzer, John
Kipnees, Glenn
Kirby, Larry
Kirby, Michael
Kirby, William E.
Kirchoff, Bryan
Kirchoff, Jeffrey St. Joseph
Kirk, Clifford
Kirk, James
Kirkland, John
Kirkland, Kenneth
Kirkland, Michael
Kirkland, Nelon Bryant
Kirkman, David
Kirkpatrick, Ryan
Kirkwood, Charles H.
Kirkwood, Daniel
Kirn, Sean
Kirwan, Matthew
Kissel, Nathaniel Robert
Kita, Joseph T.
Kitay, Joel A.
Kite, Aaron L.
Kitko, Melissa
Kiuru, Hanna
Kivett, Matthew
Kizlauskas, Dalia
Kjeldsen, Kirk
Klancer, Richard P.
Kleber, David
Klein, Daniel
Klein, Mike
Kleinschmidt, Dale
Kleinstuber, Ellen L.
Kleniewski, Mark
Kline, Eric
Kline, Jason M.
Kline, Matt
Kline, Tim
Klopfer, Scott D.
Klostermann, Steve
Klotz, Michael
Klowden, Kevin
Klug, Dan
Kluge, Aaron
Kluge, John C.
Kluge, Paul A.
Kluka, Gabe
Kme, Max D.
Knauer, Andrew C.
Knaus, Emily Jane
Kneubuehl, Erik
Kniazeva, Melissa
Knight, Gene
Knight, Robert
Knobel, Robert
Knoll, Jackie J.
Knopick, Alexander D.
Knorr, Carl
Knowlton, Steve
Knox, G. Phillip
Knox, Larry
Ko, Jack M.
Kobar, Christopher
Kobelski, Stephen
Kobersy, Jacques
Kobersy, Maya
Kobrin, Benjamin R.
Koch, Jason J.
Kocoloski, Adam Philip
Kocz, Remigiusz
Kogan, Marcelo
Koger, John G.
Kohn, Angela C.
Kohn, Kathryn
Kohs, Gregory J
Kojola, Scot A.
Kolczynski, Martin
Koldus, Kelly Michelle
Kolev, Dobrin
Koller, David
Kolosa, Chris
Komada, Timothy J.
Kondracki, William K.
Kondratieff, Kimberley
Kong, Patly
Konkel, Todd R.
Koo, Justin W.
Koofer, Michael D.
Kooistra, Kellen
Koonce, Ryan
Kopka, Ylda
Koponen, Steven J.
Kopp, Benjamin
Koppelberger, Elliott
Korchari, Paul
Kormick, Korey
Koschak, Bob
Koser, Laura
Koskinen, John A
Kosminoff, Wayne
Kosofsky, Adam
Kossow, Benjamin C.
Kossuth, G. James
Kostiv, Petro K.
Kostur, Gregory
Kot, Aaron Christopher
Kotcher, Michael Giles
Kothe, Aaron T.
Kovac, Adam
Kovaciny, Karl
Kovaos, Jason J.
Kowallic, Barb
Kozeny, Mark
Kradle, Steven
Kraft, Andrew C.
Kraft, Kenneth
Kramer, Alan C.
Kramer, Ryan P.
Kramer, Steve
Kramp, Kelly
Krampert, Chris
Krautkramer, William T.
Krebs, Anthony
Krebs, Michael
Krech, Andrew
Krecic, Anna
Krecko, Lindsey Jean
Kreitz, Keith
Kremer, Ray
Kreutter, Kevin D.
Krieger, Nicholas Paul
Krieger, Nicholas C.
Kriewaldt, Bob
Krin, Lisa K.
Kristal, Sharon B.
Kroeber, Ted
Kroll, Amy
Kroner, Scott
Kropf, Kevin C.
Kruer, Matthew
Krugerud, Joshua
Krugh, Keith
Krugman, Samara
Krupp, Robert J.
Kruse, George
Kruse, Michael
Krush, Matt
Kubiak, Jessica
Kubica, Jay
Kubicek, Chad
Kubofcik, Joseph
Kubota, Tyson
Kucera, George W.
Kuchenbrod, John A.
Kuecker, Benn
Kuehn, Brandon
Kueppers, Alfred
Kuether, Jason
Kuever, Arthur W.
Kuglstatter, Peter R.
Kuhn, Dave
Kulaga, Karol
Kulas, Ken
Kulkarni, Abhijit
Kulkarni, Raj
Kullik, Craig A.
Kultgen, Patricia L.
Kumar, Maya
Kunnassery, Stacy
Kuntz, Michael
Kuperman, David I.
Kurinsky, Michael
Kurman, Lachary A.
Kurth, David
Kurts, Ervin
Kurtz, Stephanie
Kurz, Matthew H.
Kurz, Matthew J.
Kushner, Joseph
Kusiak, Kris
Kusmierczyk, Andrew
Kusske, Catherine E.
Kutz, Randy S.
Kuykendahl, Jason
Kuzma, Jason
Kuzma, Jr., Matthew G.
Kwak, Ho Sung
Kwan, Jason
Kwiatkowski, John
Kyle, Michael
Kyle, Ryan
(Last 4 digits of Social Security Number)