Player Alumni Database
By our rough calculations, well over 250,000 people have played College Bowl on Radio or TV or at a College Bowl Regional or National Championship Tournament.
If you played on the GE College Bowl, or have competed since 1976 at a College Bowl Regional or National Championship Tournament, we invite you to update your information or enter yourself in our player alumni database.
The database currently includes only players who competed at a College Bowl Regional or National Championship Tournament from 1990 to the present (plus a few before that time). While we now live in the "information age," unfortunately we do not have access to either GE College Bowl records (long since lost) or to records from 1976 to 1989. We're asking your help to fill in the blanks.
To check whether you are in our database, select the first letter of your last name below. After the drop-down list appears, look for your name and if found, enter your Password to log in.
If your name is not in the list that will appear after you click the first letter of your last name, you can add yourself by
clicking here.
If need other assistance,
email College Bowl Staff
Thank you in advance for your support of this effort to preserve College Bowl's history.
Tabackman, Aaron
Tabackman, Aaron
Taber, Alan E.
Taberski, Mike
Tableman, Adam R.
Tabolsky, Marc
Tagtmeier, Brian
Takade, Helen
Takahashi, Paul Y.
Takamine, Duane
Takusagawa, Ken T.
Talarek, Zak
Talbert, Matthew
Talbert, Olaf O.
Talbert, Robert N.
Tallie, Tyrone H.
Talvitie, Kristian P.
Tam, Dave
Tamkin, Larry
Tamplain, Trevor
Tan, Lionel
Tan, Paul
Tandlich, Roman
Tang, David
Tang, Derek K.
Tannen, Robert S.
Tanner, Brian
Tanner, Jonathan
Tannis, Gregory
Tano, Peter
Tanphaichitr, Artthapol
Tansey, Gerard Robert
Tantillo, Frank
Tapply, Adam J.
Tarkington, Jeff
Tarnoc, Andrew
Tarnowski, David M.
Tarnowski, Jennifer Irene
Tarrant, Wayne
Tashjian, Harry
Tatar, Jenn
Taube, Kurt T.
Taubman, Jarrett
Taulbee, Paul W.
Taylor, Aaron L.
Taylor, Arthur
Taylor, Benjamin
Taylor, Bryan
Taylor, Daniel
Taylor, David J.
Taylor, David
Taylor, James A.
Taylor, Jason
Taylor, Jennifer
Taylor, Jim
Taylor, Kevin
Taylor, Krisroffer James
Taylor, Megan
Taylor, Michael R.
Taylor, Michael
Taylor, Mike
Taylor, Robert
Taylor, Steven
Tchelebi, Erik
Teague, William M.
Teaster, Stephen L.
Teate, Joseph
Teigen, Larissa
Teixeira, Fausto
Telling, H.B.
Temming, Greg
Tempesta, Brooke
Temple, Ted
Teng, Santani
Tengowski, Nathan
Tentarelli, Eric
Teodorski, Phil
Tepper, Julian
Tepper, Roy T.
Terjesen, Andrew
Terjimanian, Armen A
Terpstra, Richard M.
Terrana, Maria
Terranova, Kelly
Terrell, Joshua I.
Terry, David A.
Terzulli, Paul L.
Tesar, Devin
Tesler, Brian
Tess, David
Tetlak, Alex E.
Teynor, Hilary
Thaler, David E
Thalken, Timothy J.
Tharp, Jeff
Thatcher, Mark
Thatcher, Matthew
Thawley, Christopher John
Theisen, Jennifer
Therriault, Theodore
Theruviparampil, Paul
Thieme, Michael J.
Thingvall, Nils B.
Thoen, Kristen K.
Thom, Ryan
Thomas, Andrew
Thomas, Ben
Thomas, Christian
Thomas, Christine
Thomas, Clay
Thomas, David
Thomas, David S.
Thomas, Dennis
Thomas, Ellen Marie
Thomas, Gregg
Thomas, Jason
Thomas, Joseph L.
Thomas, Joy
Thomas, Maceo
Thomas, Martin
Thomas, Mathew
Thomas, Michelle
Thomas, Sam
Thomas, Scott
Thomas, Serge
Thomas, Yvonne Marie
Thomen, Justin David
Thompsen, Jeff
Thompson, Daniel
Thompson, Daniel
Thompson, Dennis
Thompson, Heather L.
Thompson, Jared
Thompson, Jeffrey P.
Thompson, Jennifer N.
Thompson, Jennifer
Thompson, John
Thompson, Joshua
Thompson, Joya
Thompson, Kenneth E.
Thompson, Kimberly
Thompson, Ladonna A.
Thompson, Mark
Thompson, Matthew
Thompson, Matthew S.
Thompson, Michael
Thompson, Mikael A.
Thompson, Monica
Thompson, Nephi
Thompson, Nephi
Thompson, Rich
Thompson, Robert H.
Thompson, Scott
Thompson, Shaquan
Thompson, Thomas
Thompson, William
Thoms, Bill
Thomson, Randy D.
Thornton, Robert L.
Thornton, William D.
Thorpe, Steve
Threlkeld, A. Brian
Throckmorton-Faul, Angel
Thurkins, Eric Joseph
Thurman, Melissa Deann
Thurman, Tonya L.
Thurn, Martin
Thweatt, Jason S.
Tice, Ian
Tichenor, Seth D.
Tighe, Kelly
Tilden, Abigail H.
Tilk, Jerry
Tilton, Shane
Timmons, Amanda Georgette
Timothy, Towe
Tincknell, Andy
Tinder, John
Tingey, Jake
Tinkham, Seth
Tinkler, Robert S.
Tinsay, Dan
Tippett, Eric
Tirrell, Andy
Tirrell, Richard
Tiry, Stacy
Tisdale, Jamey
Tisler, Jennifer
Tislerics, Ati T.
Tislerics, Attila
Titlow, Dan
Tjiptahadi, Rudy I
Tobe, Ben J.
Tobias, Jason
Tobin, Christopher G.
Toborg, William
Tocci, Mike
Toche, Jude
Todd, Billy
Todd, E'an
Todd, James Alan
Todd, Jeffrey A.
Toddre, Frank Anthony
Todor, John J.
Tohline, Max
Tokeshi, Christopher "Jun"
Tollefson, Eric
Tolles, Michael
Tolleson, Jason
Tombler, Thomas W.
Tombs, Michael A.
Tombs, Robert B.
Tomkins, Katherine Hastings
Tomlinson, Bob
Tompkins, Matthew Q.
Tompkins, Michael Blackwell
Toner, Mary Ann M.
Tong, Mark
Tonge, Adrian
Tonko, Peter
Tooke, Holly
Tooke, William C.
Tooley, David
Toolsidass, Darshan
Topi, Joseph
Topp, Melanie TOPP
Tor, Kevin
Torabi, Cyrus
Torchia, Steve
Torla, Heather
Tormey, Caleb
Tornwoske, Matthew
Torpy, Kevin J.
Torrence, James
Torres, Christopher
Torres, Jason
Torres, Jesse G.
Torrey, Brian
Tost, Tony
Tostanoski, Tom
Toste, James
Totaro, Michael J.
Toth, Christine
Tougaw, Paul D.
Toury, Yara
Toutounjian, Raphael
Towell, Allan L.
Towles, Ryan
Townley, Chris
Townsend, Laurence
Townsend, Timothy G.
Townsley, Jon
Tracy, Jonathan
Traicoff, Stephen R.
Trampert, Fred John
Tran, Hien
Tran, Kien
Tran, Thuc
Tran, Vu H.
Tran, Yan
Trask, Michael
Traub, Cindy
Travis, Robert
Treadway, Kathryn
Treadway, Nathan C.
Tremel, Justin Robert
Trent, Robert
Tressler, William L.
Tretinyak, Alex
Treusch, Arthur Alan
Tribbett, Rob
Triggs, Seth C.
Trigueiro, Ron
Trimble, Alice
Trimm, Ryan S.
Trinko, Thomas J.
Triplett, Russ
Tripp, Adam D.
Tritle, Benjamin
Tritz, Patrick
Trivedi, Bhavin B.
Tromble, Roy W.
Trombley, Katherine
Trotter, Jason
Trotter, Rogers Edwin
Trotter, Tyler
Trought, Ryan
Trucano, Michael J.
Trudeau, Mark
Truitt, Stacie
Trumbull, Ed
Trusty, Micah N.
Tryson, Greg
Tsai, Kelvin S.
Tsegai, Soleman
Tseng, Nancy
Tsung, Teresa
Tucker, Corey
Tucker, Ellen
Tucker, John S.
Tucker, Jon
Tucker, Philip
Tufts, Patrick
Tuhro, Douglas R.
Tulloch, Steven M.
Tully, Luke
Tumarkin, David
Tuohy, Emmet C.
Turbeville, Christopher Andrew
Turbeville, Jr., Ralston W.
Turbull, Doug
Turcotte, Philip M.
Turetzky, Jay
Turk, John
Turnbull, Douglas
Turner, Chris
Turner, Joseph
Turner, Matthew
Turner, Robert
Tutaj, Adam
Tutt, Kristina Lynn
Tuttle, David C.
Twait, Aaron
Tweddle, Brian
Tweeten, Andrew
Twiddy, Aaron
Twilley, Rich
Twombly, Wesley
Tyler, Brent
Tyrrell, Robert W.
Tysen, Aaron
Tyszkiewicz, Amy B.
(Last 4 digits of Social Security Number)